• Aeromedical Committee, Joint
  • Affiliation between Historic St. Mary's City Commission and St. Mary's College of Maryland, Task Force on
  • Animal Friendly License-Plate Committee
  • Anti-Asian Violence, Task Force to Study
  • Applicability of Manufacturing Laws to High-Technology Businesses, Maryland Task Force To Examine the
  • Assisted-Living Programs Board
  • Automotive-Related Industries, Task Force to Study the Comprehensive Licensing of

  • Bainbridge Re-Use Advisory Committee
  • Bank Charter Modernization, Task Force to Study
  • Boot Camp Independent Assessment Team

  • Cancer in Maryland, Task Force to Conquer
  • Capital Punishment in Maryland, Governor's Task Force on the Fair Imposition of
  • Cemetery & Funeral Industry, Task Force to Examine the State's
  • Charter Schools, Task Force on Public
  • Child-Care Business Partnership, Maryland
  • Child-Care Providers, Task Force on Compensation of
  • Childproof Guns, Governor's Task Force on
  • Children, Youth, and Families Systems Reform, Governor's Task Force on
  • Civil War Heritage Commission, Maryland
  • Class-Size Reduction, Special Committee to Study Issues Related to
  • Complementary Medical Methods, Commission on
  • Construction Industry Employers' Advisory Council, Governor's
  • Courts, Commission on the Future of Maryland
  • Criminal Sentencing Policy, Maryland Commission on
  • Cult Activities on Public Senior Higher Education Institutions, Task Force to Study the Effects of

  • Driver's Education Programs in Maryland, Task Force on
  • Drought Emergency Coordinating Committee
  • Drunk & Drugged Driving, Governor's Executive Committee on

  • Education Funding Equity, Accountability, & Partnerships, Task Force on
  • Education Funding in Prince George's County, Task Force on
  • Education of Homeless Children & Youth in Maryland, Task Force on
  • Educational Assistants and Paraprofessionals in the Public Schools of Maryland, Task Force on
  • Election Code, Commission to Revise the
  • Election Law, Task Force to Review the State's
  • Emerging Medical & Surgical Treatments, Task Force on
  • Enterprise Zone Program, Task Force to Study the Effectivess of the State's
  • Environmental Justice, Advisory Council on

  • Fraud, Waste, & Abuse, Committee on
  • Funding for the Maryland School for the Deaf, Task Force on
  • Funding Mechanisms for the Maryland Insurance Administration, Advisory Committee to Study

  • Gaming Activities in Maryland, Joint Executive-Legislative Task Force to Study Commercial

  • Hart-Miller Advisory Board
  • Health Care Decisions Act Advisory Council
  • Health Care Procurement Practices, Governor's Special Commission to Study
  • Health Professional-Client Sexual Exploitation, Task Force to Study
  • High-Speed Network Development, Task Force on
  • Higher Education, Strategic Committee on the State Plan for
  • HIV Exposure in Maryland Correctional Facilities, Task Force to Study

  • Inadvertent Displacement, Commission on
  • Injured Workers' Insurance Fund, Governor's Task Force to Study the

  • Juvenile Offender Aftercare Assessment Team

  • Landlord-Tenant Laws, Commission to Review
  • Loss of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) for Legal Immigrants in Maryland, Task Force on the

  • Methylphenidate & Other Drugs on School Children, Task Force to Study Uses of
  • Motor Carrier Task Force for Safety & Uniformity, Governor's
  • Motor Vehicle Liens, Regulation of Towing Practices, & the Disposition of Unclaimed Vehicles, Task Force to Study
  • Multiracial Designations, Task Force on
  • Museum of African-American History & Culture Commission, Md.

  • NASCAR Motor Sports, Task Force on
  • Nursing Facilities, Task Force on Quality of Care In

  • Parks, Special Commission on State
  • Partnership Policy Council on Block Grants
  • Patient and Provider Appeal and Grievance Mechanisms, Task Force to Study
  • Personal Care, Task Force on
  • Pfiesteria Commission, Blue Ribbon Citizens'
  • Port Land-Use Task Force, Governor's
  • Prepaid-Tuition Savings Program, Task Force on the Maryland

  • Racing Industry, Commission to Study Ways to Improve the Financial Viability of the
  • Retail Electric Competition & the Restructuring of the Electric Industry, Task Force to Study

  • Safe Boarding & Discharging of Children on School Vehicles, Task Force to Study the
  • School Construction Work-Based Learning & Apprenticeship Programs, Task Force on
  • Science Advisory Council, Governor's
  • Shore Erosion Task Force
  • Slavery in Maryland, Task Force to Study the History & Legacy of
  • Smoking in Maryland, Task Force to End
  • Solid Waste Management Task Force
  • South Mountain Battlefield Historic Tourism Initiative, Task Force on

  • Technology in Higher Education, Governor's Commission on
  • Thurgood Marshall Memorial Statue, Governor's Commission on the
  • Transportation Investment, Commission on

  • University System of Maryland, Task Force to Study the Governance, Coordination, & Funding of the
  • Utility Services, Task Force to Ensure

  • Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission, Task Force on the Privatization of the
  • Women's Health, Commission on
  • World War II Memorial Commission

  • Year-2000 Public Information Task Force, Governor's
  • Year-2000 Readiness Task Force, Governor's

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    July 18, 2000   
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